April 12 Meeting – A History of Astronomical Observing

We had originally planned on having our April meeting at the observatory, but a decision was made to postpone that event until the May meeting. Instead we have great news:

Norm McCall is coming from the London Centre to speak to our club at the April members meeting. The subject will be “Prehistoric to the 21st Century, Astronomical Observing”. The presentation is about 45 minutes and has been recently revised if you happen to have seen the presentation in the past.

Norm McCall, a member of the London Centre and past President, has for many years been interested in Astronomy and has become an excellent speaker and a great friend to the Hamilton Centre. He will be accompanied by Peter Jedicke a honorary President of the Hamilton Centre (Silver Star), and also a past National President of the society, and they will also have other London Centre members in tow.

So be sure to come out and show your appreciation and support to our fellow London members for making the trip to the Hamilton Centre. Plus you won’t want to miss this great presentation and to meet our fellow society members on April 12th 8pm at the Waterdown Legion (second floor).

See you all Soon

Norm McCall graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering Science degree from the University of Western Ontario in 1981.  He is the President of a small technology company in London, Ontario and is currently semi retired.  He enjoys the great outdoors, recreational cycling and travel with his wife to whom he has been married almost 45 years.  He is a proud grandfather of 4 beautiful grandchildren who are live with their respective parents in Switzerland and in Whistler BC.  

Norm joined the RASC in 2014 is an active member of the London RASC Centre having served on the Executive Team since 2017.  His roles have included publisher of Polaris Newsletter, Vice President, President and is now the Secretary since 2021.  

As an active reader and a member of a variety of associations, Norm has researched a variety of topics of personal interest which are often compiled into a Power Point Presentation to various audiences.  Tonight, he is presenting one of his talks titled: Astronomical Observing – Pre-history to the 21st Century

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