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Anti-Harassment Policy

It is the policy of the RASC that all participants in Society or Centre meetings and other activities will enjoy an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. This policy applies to and protects all members, guests, staff, contractors, exhibitors and others who attend or participate in any meeting or other activity of the RASC.

This includes being free from retaliation for making a complaint or participating in an investigation of a complaint made under this policy. The RASC is committed to providing an atmosphere that encourages free expression and the exchange of ideas. In pursuit of that principle, the RASC is dedicated to equality of opportunity and treatment for all participants, regardless of sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, disabilities, or any other characteristic listed under the Ontario Human Rights Code. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, is misconduct that undermines the integrity of the RASC and is disruptive of Society activities and all such behaviour will be investigated.

The RASC Hamilton Centre Anti-Harassment policy can be found here.

If you wish to submit a report to the Hamilton Chapter, please download the file at this link.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please feel free to contact either the Centre President or Secretary for assistance.

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