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Club Directors – 2024/2025

The Hamilton branch of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada’s (RASC) 2024/25 Board of directors are:

President: Jane Tumbin

I discovered a passion for astronomy about 10 years ago, when borrowing a telescope from my father.  I eventually acquired my own telescope and have been addicted to observing the night sky ever since!  I have previously focused on visual astronomy but am now starting to venture into astrophotography.  I have taken several online astronomy courses and enjoy reading any space-related material I can get my hands on.  I even attended a rocket launch at the Kennedy Space Center in 2022!
Contact: president@hamiltonrasc.ca




Vice-President: Victor Abraham

My career background has mainly been in corporate learning & development, particularly in finance. I’ve always been fascinated with the night sky and the natural world. I remember having a few really bad telescopes when I was younger, but luckily, the spark of curiosity has led me back to astronomy. In fact I’m a big believer in DIY and making the hobby accessible on a budget. I’m proud to have built or modified parts of my equipment and happy to help anyone looking to do the same.
Contact: vp@hamiltonrasc.ca

Treasurer: Tracy Parsons

 I remember looking up at the moon, on July 20, 1969, a fascinated small child. I’ve been looking up ever since. I was encouraged to join RASC in 2023 by one of our wonderful members and have learned so much from everyone. I look forward to many more years of learning and sharing the love of the sky with others.
Contact: treasurer@hamiltonrasc.ca

Executive & Recording Secretary: Erin Vassair

I have been fascinated with the moon ever since I was a child. Now that I have my own telescope, I can share my love of the moon with others, and offer a close up look at all the shadows and craters our beautiful moon has to offer. Outreach is one of my favourite things to participate in, as I love seeing the joy on people’s faces when they see the moon, a planet, or star through a telescope for the first time.
Contact: secretary@hamiltonrasc.ca



Membership: Dan Copeland
Contact: membership@hamiltonrasc.ca


Maintenance Director (Observatory and Grounds): Bruce Cornelius
Contact: observatory@hamiltonrasc.ca


Outreach: Victor Abraham

Contact: outreach@hamiltonrasc.ca





Past President: Andy Blanchard

I have been an avid amateur astronomer most of my life. A member of Hamilton RASC for about 25 years. I equally enjoy visual astronomy as I enjoy Astrophotography. I believe there is no greater reward in our hobby than sharing our knowledge. If I am asked to show the sky, you will have my undivided attention.
Contact: PastPresident@hamiltonrasc.ca



Librarian:  Vacant
Contact: librarian@hamiltonrasc.ca

Social Media Co-ordinator: Nabira Rashid
Contact: socialmedia@hamiltonrasc.ca

National Council Rep: Andy Blanchard

Contact: PastPresident@hamiltonrasc.ca







Board Members at large:

Dan Copeland
Contact: board1@hamiltonrasc.ca

Shail Choksi
Contact: board2@hamiltonrasc.ca

Webmaster: John Devonshire
Contact: webmaster@hamiltonrasc.ca

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