Starfest registration now OPEN!

Starfest is Canada’s largest annual amateur astronomy conference and star party attracting hundreds of astronomy enthusiasts from Ontario, neighbouring provinces and the USA. It has been ranked among the top star parties in North America by Sky and Telescope magazine.

Hosted by the North York Astronomical Association, Starfest runs from Aug 17-20th, 2023. It offers a variety of observing-oriented activities that address the needs and interests of experienced observers, astrophotographers, and those that are new to the hobby. Among the many activities there are:

-Observing sessions
-Guided sky tours
-Leading-edge speakers
-Children’s activities
-Commercial Exhibits with hands-on displays

For full detail visit the NYAA website:

A number of members from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Hamilton Centre will be camping there and bringing their own scopes. We hope you’ll make the trip to join us. If you have questions about what to expect if you come please reach out to  

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