Astronomy – A Fascinating Tour of the Universe”
Insights and Discoveries About the Universe – A Tour Through Space and Time
Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 8:00 PM
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 551
79 Hamilton St N,
Waterdown ON
L0R 2H0
Speaker: Tom Vassos, BES, MBA
- Member, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
- Author, “Awe-Inspiring Discoveries About the Universe – Breakthrough Astronomy Insights”
- Author, “The Birth, Evolution and Fate of the Universe – Breakthrough Cosmology Insights”
- To entertain, educate and impart knowledge about science and astronomy to all
- To present insights, discoveries and NASA mission stories that may spark a passion
- To engage and inspire the dreamer in all of us
- Award-winning awe-inspiring photographs of the universe
- Video clips of amazing discoveries and astonishing facts about the universe
- A scenic tour of planets, stars, galaxies, nebulas and black holes
What You Will Learn:
- Learn about totally crazy/bizarre/fun facts about the universe
- Get inspired about recent remarkable discoveries about the universe
- Learn about our place in this vast universe
- Get your questions answered
Let’s Explore our Solar System & Universe:
- What are the biggest, fastest, brightest and most extreme things in the universe?
- What are the most bizarre things in the universe (black holes, neutron stars, etc.)?
- What’s happening on the International Space Station?