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Researchers’ Night – Hamilton 2018

On Saturday October 20, 2018 from 5:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m., the public will have a unique and free opportunity to interact with researchers and innovators at Hamilton’s fifth annual Researchers’ Night Hamilton at the McMaster Innovation Park. This year’s theme is “Matter and Antimatter” and will explore the birth, life and re-birth of materials.


We invite all the curious minds to discover the world of science and innovation, to meet the scientists and researchers behind the technologies and knowledge that shape our current and future lives. The Researchers’ Night Hamilton, based on a concept very popular across Europe, is a platform for the public to interact with the researchers in a free, unique and beautiful setting.


Presented in partnership with the McMaster Innovation Park, the department of Materials and Engineering at McMaster University, the Office of International Affairs at McMaster, Economic Development Hamilton and the French Embassy in Canada, the evening will include talks from a visiting French researcher, academics from McMaster University and community group representatives. Presenters will engage the public with hands-on workshops, activities, and open discussions.


This year, “Matter and Antimatter,” will explore fascinating projects including research on: dark matter, soft matter, archaeological materials from the Hamilton area, materials for transportation& the EcoCar, modern microscopes & what they tell us about atoms, biomedical materials & the future of patient care, materials & the law, materials & the environment. This year also, a free public lecture by world famous Zero Waste advocate Bea Johnson will open the Night.

Several workshops are offered in either English and/or French. All are welcome to attend including children 10 years to 110 years old. The Researchers’ Night Hamilton 2018 promises to be again a one-of-a-kind and unforgettable experience for all!


Date: Saturday, October 20, 2018

5–6 pm: Public Lecture by Bea Johnson, founder of Zero Waste Home movement

6–10 pm: Discover the 10+ stations and presentations by researchers ongoing throughout the evening.

Location: McMaster Innovation Park, 175 Longwood Rd S, Hamilton ON  L8P 0A1

Admission and Parking are Free


Website: http://www.researchersnighthamilton.com/
Email: researchersnighthamilton@gmail.com

Facebook: Researchers’Night Hamilton
Twitter: @RsNHam

Instagram: Researchers’ Night Hamilton


Florence I. Roullet, Director: firoullet@gmail.com

Athanasios Psaltis, Coordinator: psaltisa@mcmaster.ca

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