On Feb. 3, 2018 a Volunteer Fair was held in Waterdown, ON and Hamilton RASC was there to promote the club.
Sponsored by Flamborough Information and Community Services, which provides nonprofit groups, agencies and organizations with opportunities to post events and inform the general public about their missions and goals.
The Fair was the first of its kind to be held in Flamborough and was organized by CCD Tara Rusin. Close to 20 organizations, including the Hamilton Centre RASC, participated in this event.
It began with a presentation about Volunteerism by Volunteer Halton, centred on how to recruit and retain dedicated volunteers. Members of the public were invited to attend the fair to see how they might get involved in community events and projects.
The Hamilton Centre was proud to be a part of this effort to get people involved in helping others, while learning, in our case, about the Universe and the mysteries it holds.
If you missed the fair, you can still get involved and/or contact us at info@hamiltonrasc.ca or visit our website at www.hamiltonrasc.ca