Monthly Night Sky information provided by Chris Vaughan (@Astrogeoguy) at Starry Night Education (@StarryNightEdu).

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Moon Brushes the Bull’s Horn (evening)
February 7 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
On Friday evening, February 7 in the Americas, the bright, gibbous moon will shine closely below (or celestial south of) the bright star Elnath. That blue giant star serves to mark both the upper horn-tip of Taurus, the Bull, and the southern end of the roughly oval shape of Auriga, the Charioteer, thus giving it the twin astronomical designations of Beta Tauri and Gamma Aurigae. The star is located 134 light-years from our sun. Binoculars (orange circle) will show the star against the glare of the moon. The moon’s eastward orbital motion will carry it farther from the star in more westerly time zones.