Monthly Night Sky information provided by Chris Vaughan (@Astrogeoguy) at Starry Night Education (@StarryNightEdu).

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Mars Close to Pollux (all night)

January 22 @ 8:00 pm - January 23 @ 5:00 am

From mid-January to mid-April Mars’ retrograde loop will carry it through the stars of Gemini. On Wednesday, January 22, the bright red planet will pass only 2.4 degrees from Gemini’s bright, white star, Pollux. The planet and the star will be less than two finger widths apart for several days, and binoculars close (orange circle) for several weeks. After dusk the pair will be located low in the eastern sky. They’ll climb high, due south, by midnight and set in the west just before sunrise. After Wednesday, Mars will continue to travel into central Gemini.


January 22 @ 8:00 pm
January 23 @ 5:00 am
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