This month’s meeting featured two of our very best members, Dave Dev and Ed Mizzi, giving presentations. It was also announced that the Hamilton chapter had acquired a number of 2017 RASC Calendars, and was selling them at a discounted price of $15! They make an amazing gift, and anyone who is interested can purchase one by contacting Bill Leggitt or coming to the January meeting.
Dave started us off with a tour around the PHD software program, with a number of great hints on how to get the most out of the software to produce better images. It was a great opportunity to help everyone understand some of the features of this popular, but mostly undocumented, guiding solution.
Ed then followed up with an inspiring talk about how rewarding it is to participate in Outreach programs. Ed provided tips and strategies on how to talk to groups, especially school age children, and gave great examples drawn from his personal experiences. This talk showed all members that it is easy and fun to show and inform people about the hobby we all love.
Gary B. finished off the night with a review of some hardware in a section titled “Equipment Corner”. This month’s feature was finder scopes. The pros and cons of various finders were discussed, and a couple of examples were passed around for all to see. This was a great introduction, and personally I hope “Equipment Corner” becomes a monthly feature of the meetings.
Gary closed off the meeting with well wishes for everyone during the month of December, and said we would all get together again in the New Year!