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November 3 Zoom Meeting with GUEST SPEAKER

RASC Hamilton is pleased to announce we have a guest speaker for this Thursday’s November 3 Zoom call.

   Guest Speaker, Rick Wagner, “Science with the RASC Remote Telescope”

   Rick has been a member of the RASC for 49 years, holding many positions including president of the Ottawa and Kingston Centres, member of National Council for many years, founding chair of the national Observing Committee, and Science Lead for the RASC remote telescope in California.  He was awarded the Centre Merit award by Ottawa Centre and the national Service Award . Rick has about a dozen telescopes but only 5 or 6 get used on a regular basis.  Most frequently used are the Paul Boltwood 40cm Newtonian and a Meade 25cm Schmidt-Newtonian, almost exclusively for photometry.

   Rick’s interests in astronomy cover many fields:  He has observed or imaged over a hundred comets, measured the rotation periods of asteroids, imaged Trans-Neptunian objects and gamma ray burst afterglows, timed exo-planet transits and completed the Williamson Lunar Certificate, the Lunar 1000 Challenge, the Finest NGC certificate and all three AstroImaging Certificates.  But photometry has been Rick’s focus since building his first observatory in 2007, especially RR Lyrae and high amplitude Delta Scuti stars with over 200,000 images.  He continues to work at improving the quality of his photometry, developing new observing techniques, writing scripts to reduce the workload and building yet another telescope to collect more and better data.

If you are interested in joining the call, check your inbox or spam folder. If you still do not see an invite, contact us for the details.

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