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November 3 Meeting – 2 Great Guest Speakers!

Join us on Thursday November 3 for our next Members Meeting (public welcome too). We have 2 great speakers lined-up!


David McCarter will speak about his travels to Tenerife, Canary Islands, where he attended STARMUS 2016 and hung out at the LaPalma observatory.


What is STARMUS? It’s like Star Trek convention only it will make your brain hurt and you chat-it-up with folks like Stephen Hawking, Neil deGrasse Yyson, Brian Cox, and hundreds of real scientists!


David is gifted story teller and he will make you feel like you were there in person!


David Dev will uncover The Secrets of PHD Guiding. If you are, or plan to be an astrophotographer, PHD Guiding is, hands-down, the most popular tool for guiding a telescope during long exposures. And it’s FREE, BUT…. there isn’t much documentation to tell you what all the settings mean or do. Dave uncovers those mysteries in this special presentation.


When: 8:00-10:00


Where: The Royal Canadian Legion, 2nd floor, 79 Hamilton St N, Waterdown, ON



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