Happy Fall everyone! Join us this coming Thursday, Oct. 6 @ 8:00 for our Annual General Meeting.
Special Presentation by Bert Rhebergen – “The original Go-To Computer”
Many of you have met member Bert Rhebergen and you know him as the Master of MacGyver. Bert knows his way around the sky better than anyone I have ever met. What you don’t know is that Bert is not just an “old-school”, eyeball on the sky kind of guy. Bert was using computer aids long before the first computerized telescopes. Bert will be demonstrating the math behind the computer wizardry.
We will also be saying hello to our new Board of Directors. We’ll wrap up our year past and then ask for your vote on a slate of Board of Directors candidates who have volunteered their time for the next year.
This is also your chance to make your voice heard about the things that you would like to see us doing as a club. We have some good ideas and we’ll be sharing them with you. We will also be making some announcements that are sure to please.
See you Thursday!
Where? Royal Canadian Legion, 79 Hamilton St. N, Waterdown, ON
Gary Bennett
President, RASC Hamilton Centre