TIMBER!!! Observatory Tree Removal

by Ed Mizzi
On June 17, 2017, a group of generous volunteers met at the Observatory to remove an area of overgrown brush and trees that were obstructing the views from the telescopes and infringing on the parking lot. Work began at 10 am and continued into the afternoon. There were people working with chain saws, weed whackers, pruning shears and buck saws, while others cleaned up branches and logs to make a pile ready for a chipper to turn it into mulch.

Of course, who would have known that the date would end up being one of the hottest days of June, but everyone persevered and got the job done, with not a single complaint or grumble. And we most definitely got to the root of the problem, branched out and visitors can no longer say that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

Andy showed up with a BBQ lunch and Ross Leonard donated Tim Horton coffee and a cooler full of drinks.

Of course, there is still work to be done, but it will have to wait until September or October. But everyone was satisfied with the work accomplished on this hot and humid day.
During lunch and drink breaks the discussion focussed on two summer events, the solar eclipse of August 21 and the RASC nation-wide star party on July 29, when several of our members will meet at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington for some serious sidewalk-astronomy.

A huge thank you goes out to all involved, including…Scott Barrie, Gary Bennett, Andy Blanchard, Wayne Herd, Mark Kaye, Ross Leonard, Troy McCoy, Ed Mizzi, Joe Pipitone, Bob Prociuk, Ron Shields, Christopher Strejch, Chris Talpas and 2 other members who left before signing our volunteer list. As well, Ev (a long time member) and her friend Sheila came out to provide moral support and kindly took our group photo for us.

Hopefully the “gods” will look favourably upon us and provide a few clear nights over the summer.

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